The lord timothy dexter writes this book. It was published back in 1802. A pickle for the knowing ones is the autobiographical book. The author was a businessman, which is about him and how he got rich by making horrible business decisions. Those terrible decisions, due to luck, turn out to be profitable for him. As far as the punctuation of this book is concerned, this book has no punctuation, and the capitalization is random. To make it right, the author gave the second edition of this book by providing full punctuation marks. The content is all about the things irritating him and his poor knowledge of politics. To read the whole book, a pickle for the knowing ones you can click on it.
Details of the author
The author was born in Malden on January 22, 1747, and he started his business in Newburyport and found himself in good condition. He married in the year 1770 and received a good amount of money. In addition to selling leather gloves, leather breaches, and women-wearing items, he engaged in various businesses. To his good luck, he was successful in those too. He began by buying a house on the High Street in Newburyport and embellishing it to his peculiar taste. He imported the most costly furniture from France to match the interior and exterior of the house. His hospitality attracted a large number of visitors. He was called the marquis of Newburyport.
A former soldier, he taught school in New Hampshire for some time after returning from the war. In general, he composed the ballads he hawked. Years before his death, Dexter prepared himself a tomb, conscious that he must share the common fate. His house's floor in the basement was magnificently furnished and exposed to natural sunlight. Often, he enjoyed showing visitors his superbly lined and adorned with silver handles mahogany coffin, which he kept in a room of his house. The Board of Health arranged for Lord Dexter's remains to be interred in the common burying place after his death, on October 26, 1806, in his 60th year. He is buried in a simple grave marked by a stone. Despite its delicate appearance, the Dexter mansion retains little evidence of its former owner's whims. The rest of the images were lost to the resistless hand of time, leaving only the three Presidents remaining. In September 1815, the great gale brought down several of them, which were auctioned off. There is a very accurate and believable likeness of Lord Dexter in the cut fronting the biography and of the dog. His skin was as hairless as an elephant, with a perfect black coat. It was as much different from other dogs as it was from other people, including his master and his friend, the poet. If the patron and poet were to be seen in person, dressed in the costumes of their time, they would be objects of great curiosity. James Aiken, Esq., now a resident of Philadelphia, drew the likenesses of all three with great accuracy.